About Us
Dog Fence of the Hudson Valley, LLC is doing business as Hudson Valley Dog Fence. This business is owned and operated by Jason Krzeminski. If you live in the Hudson Valley region, there's a good chance he's worked with your dog. Jason has over twenty years experience installing, training, and repairing dog fences including E-Fence, Invisible Fence, Pet Safe, DogWatch, Dog Guard, Contain-A-Pet., and more!
Loyalty is the hallmark of this business. We are a family owned and operated business and we want to make your pets part of our family. We can work with multiple dogs and with the owners to train them in all aspects of their boundaries.
We offer service in the Hudson Valley Upstate Region of New York, Western Massachusetts and North Western Connecticut. Call us today for a free quote!

“Dogs do speak, but only to those who know how to listen”
Orhan Pamuk